Smeijers’ Arnhem (1999), designed at the Werkplaats Typografie for the newspaper Nederlandse Staatscourant but not used, was hailed by Robin Kinross, whose Hyphen Press published Counterpunch, as a successor to Times New Roman. In 1996 Smeijers published Counterpunch, an examination of the techniques of sixteenth-century type production the book was set in Renard, a new typeface based on the work of the sixteenth-century Flemish punchcutter Hendrik van den Keere. Smeijers’ first type family, FF Quadraat (1992), was among the earliest releases from the pioneering digital foundry FontFont this, and FF Scala by his friend Martin Majoor, would define the text typography of the 1990s.
1961) graduated at the beginning of the digital era of type his first job was at the Dutch company Océ, editing bitmaps.